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For new players wanting to try the game out, play public games (no stats). HoN has a really big learning curve and it’ll take awhile to get better. The game is really competitive which is why the community sucks. They’ll yell at you, call you noob, and so forth. My best advise is to tell your team you’re new to hon and ask for tips/advise. There’s in-game mic, so if someone starts raging over the mic, just mute them.

LoL pardons more this kind of errors, and this is why it is more enjoyable to play, but this is also why the gap between a good player and a noob is not as big as it would be in HoN. I would personally consider HoN as a more hardcore MOBA and LoL has a more fun MOBA. But for f*** sake, stop being stupid and immature like most of people in this trend were, you just look like morons that cannot see further than what they heard about life. Peace to all of you though and see you in the MOBA scene! So many graphics whores play games these days.

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Ring system was not even close to this price and their app is so easy and reliable. Please fix so we don’t have to throw thousands of dollars down the drain for a useless app. Haley Sulser Basic functions are non-existent This app is useless. In order to monitor my cameras, I have to re-add them every time. In addition, we can’t play back video from our cameras on this app (even when on the same network). You can only view the video which you saved.as it was happening. What’s the point of that for a security system?!

Just because you know absolutely nothing about the game, doesn’t make it shit. I tried this game and deleted it after 3 days. 1 – All S2 did was copy an 8 year old mod and put on a graphical “coat of paint”. No effort or real contribution to advancing the moba genre. 2 – No TRUE training area.

MBAM left an exploit in (c/windows/system32/drivers/mbae64) i was able to delete it after renaming it and running the clean uninstall (just in case) and rebooting. Crack If you cant rename it, then fix that by right clicking/properties/security/edit permissions on the exploit. So i uninstalled Malwarebytres and used the MBAM-CleanUnstall and rebooted. But MBAM found the edited host file as malware and i know its not.

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The comunity got so much toxicity. I played MANY MOBAS, such as the original DOTA, LoL, Dota2, Infinite Crisis, Smite. But Hon for me is the Best.i dont care what people say about the comunity even if its true, the worst comunity ever in gaming i guess, but the graphics, the heroes, the animations, THE ANNOUNCERS, the game pace, the quick responsive engine. The taunts, the soundsso I PERSONALLY give 9/10 for this game but 2/10 for the comunity.

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Now I’m starting to think you didnt even install the game and try it. I would almost bet money you just looked at the screenshots above and listened to your uninformed LoL buddies. Try creating a public game which on a whole other spectrum than the matchmaking games if you want to practice. On another subject for anyone who hasn’t tried either HoN or LoL. I played DotA for 5-6 years and can say that HoN is the best representation of the original DotA out there.

Some time ago, S2 Games prohibited latin america players to play on the international server. They threw the responsibility to cope with annoying brazilians to Axeso5. With that, whoever have a Mac and don't want to install Windows on it, 'can not' play HoN anymore, because Axeso5 doesn't have and is never planning to have support for mac. No OSX clients whatsoever!

Defensive towers are positioned evenly through each lane, until the lanes terminate at a team's base. Bases are strongly defended with extra defensive towers, and buildings from which units spawn.